
Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim

Assalamu Alaikum,

Inshallah every month I write 2 newsletters for my brothers and sisters of Islam. They are just simple reminders to myself as well as everyone else, I am no perfect person, I make mistakes too, so we should remind ourselves about what is right and what is wrong.

What I have written here are all from past newsletters that I have created since February 2007.

This information blog is only used for learning purposes,
You can share with whom you like, that way it can get across
to many inshallah, All praises is due to Allah for giving me this opportunity to write to my fellow brothers and sisters of
Islam, and trying to point out things that we may of forgotten about.

Your Brother In Islam

Islamic Information Blog Issue 1

Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim

February 2007/Muharram 1428
Assalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters of Islam.

I would like to introduce you to something I wanted to do for a while, but how to start this was a different story, because I would need to create theses so that its educational as well as easy to read, so please do forgive me if this issue isn't what you hoped it to be.

This issue is basically going to tell you inshallah what I hope to achieve, but before I do that I would like to introduce myself, I've been a revert since August 2006, to a few I might only be a revert, but they need to realise that I am a Muslim too, I might not know so much, but I'm doing the same thing as born Muslims are doing and that is learning about my religion. Inshallah I would like to help you as well as help myself learn about things that we may know and forgot about or might not take notice of, or even something we never knew, if you learn something Alhamduilillah, if you didn't learn something new Alhamduilillah. This information email is simply a reminder, we should all remind our brothers and sisters because it is easy to sin and make mistakes.

Until next issue, May Allah keep you all healthy and strong in Iman ameen.
I ask my brothers and sisters to make Dua for me so that I can increase theses issues from once a month to twice at least as well as make the issues that follow this one inshallah, to help
us all.

I will make mistakes in theses issues, whether its grammar, spelling etc it will happen, but if I make a mistake in what I wrote I strongly would like someone to tell me that I've written something wrong, because it could take someone astray and I will be the blame for that when I meet Allah. Doing this can be a risk but also a honour. In the next issue I hope to do what I have written above and create a good issue, please do feel free to email me and let me know what I could write about, I'm always open for ideas.

Again forgive me if you didn't enjoy this issue, but it was simply to let you all know what I hope to do, I like to let people know what I plan before doing something, at least you will be happy to receive the next ones inshallah.

JazakAllah Khair for everyone who as joined up so far, inshallah do pass your brothers and sister's emails to me so that inshallah I can add them for future issues too.

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A small Du'a can make a big difference

Make Dua for your brothers and sisters, wouldn't you want good things to happen to them as much as good things happening to you?

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