Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim
Assalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters
Think about this question, if you were told by Allah that you were going to die anytime soon, what would you be doing in that time left? praying to Allah for forgiveness?, making dua? or watching DVDs and playing video games?
I'm sure the answers would be that you would do something to please Allah as well as wanting to make as many good deeds as possible.. then my next question is why are you wasting your time on pointless things like watching tv, dvds or playing computer games when you do NOT know when you will be leaving this life and what you are doing now could be the last thing you could do.
Time and time again we should be thinking about how time is coming closer and closer...and what do we have to show for our life? I sure that video games is good thing to do but will it be enough to enter you to Paradise? will you be getting more reward from video games or reading the Quran?
What good is watching TV today anyway? With the game shows with people GAMBLING - isn't this haram? And with the chat shows when families come on tv and say you haven't been a good husband, you haven't been a good wife, you were cheating on me etc etc etc, isn't it true in Islam what is between the husband and wife stays with the husband and wife? The soaps on tv with the violence, drinking beer, racism, and everything else that is haram, why are we watching this rubbish?
Try telling Allah that its good, or they are only acting, it is still corrupting the mind, because you are watching every time its on, sadly we know its pointless and someday we will get that sign and realise its pointless...but it will be too late by then. ACT now and change what you do with your time. instead of watching tv, read the Quran, spend time with the family, go masjid, there are so many ways to enjoy life than watching tv or playing computer games.
I'm not having a go just at the ones who do this, but this is the time when I can write to you all, besides this isn't just a reminder to you, what I write, I read and inshallah try to act upon it as well.
It is time we need to improve the way we pray to Allah, we have to perfect our prayer, like when praying at the masjid, we must do this right like pray in a straight line!
This hadith from Vol. 1 Book 11 Hadith 685. (Bukhari) Narrated By An-Nu'man bin 'Bashir: The Prophet said, "Straighten your rows or Allah will alter your faces."
This hadith from Vol 1, Book 11. Hadith 687. (Bukhari) Narrated By Anas bin Malik: Once the Iqama was pronounced and Allah's Apostle faced us and said, "Straighten your rows and stand closer together, for I see you from behind my back."
This Hadith from Vol 1, Book 11. Hadith 692. (Bukhari) Narrated By Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said, "Straighten your rows for I see you from behind my back." Anas added, "Everyone of us used to put his shoulder with the shoulder of his companion and his foot with the foot of his companion."
There is Hadiths about following the one leading the prayer, and do not go in front of him because he is meant to be followed
This Hadith from Vol 1, Book 11. Hadith 689. (Bukhari) Narrated By Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "The Imam is (appointed) to be followed. So do not differ from him, bow when he bows, and say, "Rabbana-lakal hamd" if he says "Sami'a-l-lahu Liman hamida"; and if he prostrates, prostrate (after him), and if he prays sitting, pray sitting all together, and straighten the rows for the prayer, as the straightening of the rows is amongst those things which make your prayer a correct and perfect one."
A brother was talking to me about how the army, if you look how straight their line is, it is very straight and that is for the General of the amry or the one in charge, why can't we as Muslims do this right for Allah? Its upsetting that we will make anything perfect, our families, what we do for work, the way we dress, but this prayer that can change our lives in this one and the next, where we thank Him, ask Him to guide us, keep us on the straight path and even hope that He accepts and enter us to Paradise...We can't even create a straight line?
We do find it hard to pray most times because we stand next to someone who speaks TOO loud even when we are whispering.
It is said in the Quran (Surah al-Isra (17:110))
" And do not recite [too] loudly in your prayer or [too] quietly but seek between that an [intermediate] way"
I'm sure its good to make many good deeds as possible as well but if we can't do prayer right, what use will the good deeds be?
I do love my brothers and sisters of Islam alot, SubhanAllah I'm happy to lend anyone a hand, and theses little reminders are for you and myself, I do want the best for you as well as for me, we all need to change our ways now for we do not know what hours from now will bring, saying that we might not even be here in a few hours, inshallah I'll get this message to you before I leave or you leave, no one know when any thing will happen, only Allah knows best.
Inshallah I'll leave it here, I know its a short issue, I haven't been well much, inshallah the next issue will be before Ramadan, I want to make that issue all about Ramadan.
JazakAllah for the support always, anything that I have said wrong is from me and Satan, everything that was said right from Allah and Allah alone.
Your Brother in Islam
Wa Salaam
Islamic Information Blog Issue 11
Posted by
Brother In Islam
Hadiths used in Issue 11
The Authority Of Ibn Omar, the son of Omar bin Al-Khattab: I heard the messenger of Allah say : "Islam has been built on five [pillars]: testifying that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammed is the messenger of Allah, performing the prayers, paying the zakat, making the pilgrimage to the House, and fasting in Ramadan."
Hadith Qudsi. Hadith 003
Related by Bukhari and Muslim.
The Authority Of Abu Hurairah: I heard the messenger of Allah say : "What I have forbidden to you, avoid; what I have ordered you [to do], do as much of it as you can. It was only their excessive questioning and their disagreeing with their prophets that destroyed those who were before you."
Hadith Qudsi. Hadith 009
Related by Bukhari and Muslim.
The following acts are permissible during the prayer: crying, moaning, or groaning, regardless of whether it is due to a fear of Allah or to any other reason (e.g., a moan due to some pain or injury that one cannot contain), is permissible. This is based on the Qur'anic verse: "When the revelations of the Merciful were recited unto them, they fell prostrating and adoring." This verse is general and includes one who is praying.
'Abdullah ibn ash-Schikhir relates: "I saw the Messenger of Allah praying and his chest was 'buzzing', like the buzzing of a cooking pot, due to crying." This is related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, an-Nasa'i, and at-Tirmizhi. The latter classifies it as sahih.
Vol 2, Book 30. Fiqh 2.081. (Fiqh-us-Sunnah)
Vol 2, Book 18. Salatul Tasbih.
Fiqh 2.033. (Fiqh-us-Sunnah)
Salatul Tasbih: 'Ikrimah reports from Ibn 'Abbas that the Messenger of Allah said to 'Abbas ibn 'Abdal-Mutalib: "O 'Abbas, O Uncle, shall I not give you, shall I not present to you, shall I not donate to you, shall I not tell you ten things which, if you do, Allah will forgive your first and last sins, past and present sins, intentional and unintentional sins, private and public sins? The ten actions are:
pray four rak'at, reciting in every rak'ah al-Fatihah and a surah. And when you finish the Qur'anic recitation of the first rak'ah, say, while standing, 'Subhanallah, al-hamdulillah, wa la ilaha illallah, wa Allahu Akbar' ['Glory be to Allah. All praise is due to Allah. There is no God except Allah. Allah is the greatest.'] fifteen times. Then make ruku', and while you are in ruku', say the same ten times; then stand, and say the same ten times. Then go down and make sajdah, and while you're in sajdah, say the same ten times. Then sit after the sajdah, and say the same ten times. Then make sajdah, and say the same ten times. Then sit after the second sajdah, and say the same another ten times. That is seventy-five [repetitions of the phrases] in each rak'ah. Do that in each of the four rak'at. If you can pray it once a day, do so. If you cannot, then once
every Friday. If you cannot do that, then once a year. And if you cannot do that then once in your life." This is related by Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzaimah in his sahih, and at-Tabarani. About this hadith al-Munzhiri says: "This hadith has been related through many chains and from a number of companions. The best of them is this one from 'Ikrimah. A group of scholars have graded it to be sahih, including al-Hafez Abu Bakr al-'Ajari, (al-Munzhiri's teachers), Abu Muhammad 'Abdurrahim al-Misri, and Abu al-Hassan al-Maqdisi." Ibn alMubarak says: "The Tasbih prayer is a greatly desired act and it is desirable that one should punctually observe it and never neglect it.
Vol 2, Book 19. Salatul Hajah
Fiqh 2.033A. (Fiqh-us-Sunnah)
Salatul Hajah, the prayer for need: Ahmad has on sound authority reported from Abu Darda that the Prophet Sallallahu Alehi wasallam said: "He who makes wudu, and does it properly, then prays two rak'at, Allah will grant him whatever he may pray for, sooner or later."
Vol 2, Book 11. Supererogatory Prayers.
Fiqh 2.001. (Fiqh-us-Sunnah)
Their Significance, Supererogatory Prayers: At-tatawwu', or nawafil or Supererogatory prayers, have been legislated to make up for any deficiencies left in the performance of fard salah (obligatory prayers). In salah, there are virtues that are not found in any other form of worship. Abu Hurairah reports that the Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam said: "The first thing that the people will be called to account for on the Day of Resurrection will be the prayers. Our Lord will say to the angels although He knows better: 'Look into the salah of my servant to see if he observed it perfectly or been negligent in it. So if he observed it perfectly it will be recorded to his credit, but if he had been negligent in it in any way, Allah would say: See if My servant has any Supererogatory prayers. Then if he has any Supererogatory prayers, Allah would say: Make up the deficiency in My servant's obligatory prayer with his Supererogatory prayers.' Thereafter all his actions will be examined in like manner" (Abu Dawud).
Posted by
Brother In Islam