Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim
Assalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters,
I would like to start by saying that I love the whole ummah, whether I know you in person, or never met you or even if you are not reading this, I love all my brothers and sisters of Islam, because I could go to anywhere in this world, any Masjid, walk in and someone will pass their Salaams to me, it doesn't matter whether we knew each other or not, only because we love and fear and worship Allah, that we love each other for the sake of Allah. It doesn't matter what colour we may be, what backgrounds we might come from, we don't judge a person by silly categories like nationality, skin colour etc, because I am a Muslim and this brother is a Muslim and to us that's what matters more. I am proud to be a Muslim because there isn't need for groups because we are no better than the others. Allahu Akbar.
Praying towards a Surtrah
I've seen many brothers praying at my local Masjid without a surtrah and there have been brothers walking past, and sadly their rewards are being reduced because of this, I'm not sure about the sisters, but I believe it happens for the sisters too. A Surtrah is something in front of you when you are praying so no one walks in front of you when you pray, this can be a wall, pillar, a bag etc, there is no limit to the width but it should be at least the height of the back of a saddle, which if we use our human body, its about a hand span. Brothers and sisters! don't you want the full reward when praying obligatory and optional prayers? If you don't have anything in front of you, your reward may be cut or reduced, of course you may have children running around, but they wont reduce your reward, unless they are at an age of puberty, this is Sunnah to have a Surtrah in front of you when praying.
The Prophet (pbuh) said: "When one of you prays, pray towards a sutrah. Stand close to it and don't let anyone pass between you and it"Making Dua
You can make Dua for almost anything, I say almost anything because there are some that make Dua to hurt someone, or wish for bad things for this person/family etc, You can not wish for someone to die, or anything bad that will go against Islam. Making Dua is asking Allah for help, asking Allah to help others. We can make Dua for our families, friends, brothers and sisters, even ask Allah to guide the ones who are misguided. Remember a small Dua can make a big difference, you can make Dua for forgiveness. Theses above are not the only duas we can do, how about the ones like for example: eating and drinking? Wearing new items of clothing? oing to the Masjid? I'm sure many of us have got a book about Duas, I'm sure the book
"Fortress of the Muslim" is popular one, we should say theses duas so that we can remember Allah more than what we do at the moment. There is a website for those who might not have the book or haven't got a book about Dua,
"...And whoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him (Taqwa), He will make a way for him, to get out (from every difficulty), and will provide for him from sources that he never could imagine…" [At-Talaq 65:2-3]
Hand of Prayer
When I read this on a bookmark, I thought it was a beautiful way to remember others when we pray, inshallah we can use this.
The strongest and nearest digit to you.
Begin by praying for those closest to you and giving thanks for all the strong things in your life.
Index Finger:
This is your pointing finger.
Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal.
They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction
Middle Finger:
The tallest finger reminds us of our leaders
Pray for those who govern and have authority; These people shape our nation
Ring Finger:
This is our weakest finger.
Let it remind us to pray for those who are being treated unjustly, those whose are in trouble,
or in pain
Little Finger:
The smallest and last finger.
By praying for others first it helps to put your needs into perspective.
I have recently found a website with more Quran Recitation, Subhanallah there is a total of 271 reciters, audio lectures from 163 people, many video lectures, video documentaries and video quran recitation, inshallah it should be a wondeful site to learn from.
Thank you for your support.
Your Brother in Islam
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